What is Zen?

Zen is a total state of focus that incorporates a total togetherness of body and mind. Zen is a way of being. It also is a state of mind. Zen involves dropping illusion and seeing things without distortion created by your own thoughts.

Sunday, January 12, 2014

Don't Stop Believin (Day 12)

January 12, 2014

     Don't stop believin' is the chorus lyrics to a 1980's Journey song that most of us may know, that came to mind when I began to ponder a recent memory regarding this topic.  I was driving through town during the Christmas season in all its lighted and decked glory and passed the local church.  The church sign spoke to me with the words that read right there in black and white, "Why do you believe?"  I had never really contemplated that thought before, but found myself winding that question through my brain as the engine of the car groaned on.  Why did I believe?  Was it just a habit taught to me through my raising?  Was it what I call faith?  I, I decided had taken my religion for granted.  It was time to look within myself and answer that question.

     I don't find it sheer coincidence that I found a book recently titled Believing God by Beth Moore on Amazon for my kindle and furthermore it was free!  So friends, jump on this deal now why it's free!  Not at all fortuitous.  Divine intervention at it's best.  This book is for the unbeliever, the seeker, and the devote christian alike.  It will encourage and enlighten you at the same time.

     I struggle, who doesn't, but I often  beat myself up over and over and find excuses as why I am not worthy to be a church going christian.  Funny I know, church is the place I belong if I am in need.  Church is like a hospital for wounded and broken Christians as well as for the strong practicing christian.  The strong christian just serves as the nurse to those of us whom are broken.  Beth says it best in her book...God is who he says he is, God will do what he says he will do, and you are who God says you are!  I believe all of this, but I often argue with myself about the last statement.  I find myself saying, "I am too tired to get up, I don't have  enough this week to put in the collection plate, I have too much work to do...." and the excuses multiply.

     Are you struggling with your faith?  Do you have faith?  Have you made faith a frequent practice in your life?  I encourage you to seek out your faith now and notice how quickly peace will follow your practices of faith in your life.  What a wonderful feeling to know that there is more after life and it's better than we can even imagine!

Ephesians 2:8 For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith--and this not from yourselves, it is the gift of God--

Romans 15:13 May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that by the power of the Holy Spirit you may abound in hope.

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