What is Zen?

Zen is a total state of focus that incorporates a total togetherness of body and mind. Zen is a way of being. It also is a state of mind. Zen involves dropping illusion and seeing things without distortion created by your own thoughts.

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

365 Days to a Newer, Healthier Me! (Day 1)

January 1, 2014


     I have decided, as a lot of fellow Americans do at this time of year that it IS time for a change!  With each new year, it seems we are forever reflecting on the things that we should do and the things that we should of done that in effect make us vow to make "that" New Year's resolution for good this year!  I am ditching the tired, old resolution of "losing that weight" for a newer version "a healthier me".  Not only would I like to fit into all of the perfect outfits, but also feel good, make good choices, and have every aspect of my life healthier.  I am going to work on my physical health, spiritual health, financial health, family health, work health, mental health, etc.. into my life one day at a time.  Today I am going to begin with my resolution!

     First of all I want to make resolutions that I can keep, but where do I start? I know that I will be much more successful if I only start with two or three areas, so I am only going to pick three to start with.  Next, I decided to do a little homework.  www.Beliefnet.com  suggests looking at the past years mistakes to decide what path of betterment I wish to take.  This past year has encompassed many mistakes for me, so that part will be easier.  My husband and I have experienced many extra expenses that have created a much tighter budget, therefore my first resolution will be to work on financial health.  I also have had recent issues with an irregular heart beat and gaining weight.  So my second area of health to work on is making better food and drink choices. I also know that with God's help all things are possible (Mark 10:27) and so my third resolution is to work on my spiritual health.  www.Beliefnet.com  explains that the second step to success with your resolutions is to "write it down".  Done! 

     Now that I have determined what my resolutions are and have written them down www.Beliefnet.com  further instructs me not to try and meet all of my goals in just the month of January.  It takes about 30-60 days to make or break a habit, thus it is my challenge to meet my new improved self on January 1, 2015!  That means I have a whole year to recreate myself!  I have an over all goal, now it's time to start with the baby steps. 

    Make your own goals and post your comments on my blog. I would love to hear your triumphs and help you through your pitfalls.  All that I ask is the same from you in return!  Happy New Year and here's to a brand new year!

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