What is Zen?

Zen is a total state of focus that incorporates a total togetherness of body and mind. Zen is a way of being. It also is a state of mind. Zen involves dropping illusion and seeing things without distortion created by your own thoughts.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Day 12 & 13

I will have to say that I do not feel as confident about what I have lost this week and with the big losses that we had last week I guess we shouldn't expect such a huge loss this week. The main thing we need to focus on is that we haven't gained any of our weight back. Talking with Shalee this evening proved to be very encouraging! I do not have a subscription to the Franklin Favorite so I am not as informed. If any of you have a copy of the issue that we were in please share. I am so glad our first week was so successful! We have a great team that is really driven to succeed and that's what it is going to take to win this thing! Please do not get discouraged if you do not see the results as quick as you would like. Keep trying different things and also keep in mind that our bodies are changing from the different diets we have given them and they will need some time to adjust. Remember that for every 3,500 calories you cut you lose one pound. So if you are cutting 500 calories a day for a week that is the equivalent of 1 pound lost. Besides we don't want to lose it too fast or it will invariably come back. Remember slow and steady wins the race! OH-girls you forgot to remind me about the camera! I hope we can walk at the park again soon, I really enjoy that! It is really hard to get away and take the time, but it sure is worth it! Have a great evening!


  1. I really enjoy walking too. I always feel better, both physically and emotionally after a good walk. My rugrats like to be out in the fresh air too, and it is impossible for me to take them both by myself. Hope you guys don't mind sharing in the pushing load. They love it! Good luck today with the weigh in!

  2. Em, we love taking the boys with us! They are much more content than Rex is while we walk...plus they don't tend to go around wanting to sniff other children as Rex does with his canine companions...he he he!

    I didn't lose nearly as much as I did last week, but I still lost poundage so I was quite excited about that, esp b/c I thought I had gained weight or at least broke even. I am excited that we're off to a steady pace of weight loss!

    Keep up the good work everyone!

  3. O.K. I didn't lose as much as last time either, but remember we shocked our systems and we will slow down losses from time to time. Remember a pound lost is A POUND LOST! Don't get discouraged keep plunging forward. Look at the overall picture we have lost more than we started with and it all adds up. I know that others did not lose any and some even gained, so we are doing something right! Oh, and please don't weigh everyday that only causes us to get discouraged. If you really need to weigh at least wait every three days or the day before weigh in. By the way Emily I really enjoy having your two boys with us! Haden is so fun to listen to! That age is so much fun and he has gotten so lean and tall! Hope we can all walk again soon!

  4. Honestly, I haven't been totally devoted this week, so I thought I had gained. My goal was to at least break even, so I was pleasantly surprised to have lost. This week I plan to be more dedicated. I haven't had a girl scout cookie all day! That's a start.


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